Germany helps Iraq fight IS

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(VOVworld) – German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen began a visit to Iraq on Sunday to discuss with Iraqi President Fouad Massoum about Germany’s supplies and training for Kurdish forces in northern Iraq fighting the Islamic State. 

(VOVworld) – German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen began a visit to Iraq on Sunday to discuss with Iraqi President Fouad Massoum about Germany’s supplies and training for Kurdish forces in northern Iraq fighting the Islamic State.

Germany helps Iraq fight IS  - ảnh 1
German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen wants to continue Germany’s supplies and training for Kurdish forces in northern Iraq fighting the Islamic State. (Photo:

Ms Von der Leyen said recent attacks in France  showed the importance of supplying weapons and training to the Kurdish forces. Germany has already given Iraqi Kurds ammunition and vehicles worth approximately 70 million euros and is planning to send 100 combat soldiers to northern Iraq.
