G7 Summit issues a joint declaration on various issues

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(VOVWORLD) -French President Emmanuel Macron says that world leaders at the G7 summit in Canada will go ahead and publish a joint declaration on trade, even though US President Donald Trump has decided to impose contentious tariffs on the countries involved in the meeting.
G7 Summit issues a joint declaration on various issues - ảnh 1Leaders of G7 countries

The statement came amid concerns that the G7 countries, which in years past have managed to work through the majority of the issues they want to discuss before the meetings even occur, would not be able to reach a consensus with Mr Trump in the room.

The 8-page long statement reiterates the crucial role of a ruled international trade system for freedom, equality and mutual benefits while emphasizing the importance of anti-protectionism. G7 leaders committed to modernize the WTO to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers as well as government subsidies.

G7 leaders ensured that Iran will never seek for, develop nor possess nuclear weapons. They urged Moscow to stop inciting instabilities by supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The leaders acknowledged failure in achieving a consensus with the US to combat climate change. Tweeting en route to his next summit in Singapore, Mr Trump said he had instructed US officials "not to endorse the communique as we look at tariffs on automobiles". He said the move was based on Mr Trudeau's "false statements... and the fact that Canada is charging massive tariffs to our US farmers, workers and companies".
