G7 foreign ministers meeting opens

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(VOVworld) – A meeting of foreign ministers from major industrialized nations opened on Tuesday in Lübeck, Germany, in preparation for the G7 Summit to take place in Bayern, Germany, in June.

(VOVworld) – A meeting of foreign ministers from major industrialized nations opened on Tuesday in Lübeck, Germany, in preparation for the G7 Summit to take place in Bayern, Germany, in June.

G7 foreign ministers meeting opens - ảnh 1
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Photo: voanews)

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the participants, including EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, will discuss restoring peace in Ukraine and Iran and G7’s relationship with Russia. Mr. Steinmeier said that whether Russia can join the G7 group or not will depend on putting an end to the Ukraine crisis. The German Foreign Minister stressed Russia’s role in resolving conflicts in Syria and Iran. He said G7 does not want to isolate Russia long term, because Russia’s participation in G7 would help to restore international issues.
