France continues to impose state of emergency

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(VOVworld) - France's highest administrative court on Wednesday refused to lift the state of emergency imposed after the November terror attacks in Paris, despite criticism from its Human Rights League about the extraordinary powers given to the security services.

(VOVworld) - France's highest administrative court on Wednesday refused to lift the state of emergency imposed after the November terror attacks in Paris, despite criticism from its Human Rights League about the extraordinary powers given to the security services.

France continues to impose state of emergency - ảnh 1
Security has been tightened at airports and stations following Paris attacks on November 13, 2015.

The judge at the Conseil d'Etat ruled that the continuation of the alert is necessary because of the potential dangers and high risk of terror attacks.

The decision echoed arguments put forward in court by the interior ministry to keep the state of emergency in place, after the French Human Rights League (LDH) on Tuesday asked the court to suspend all or at least some of the measures.

Concern has been growing in recent weeks about the measures boosting police powers, allowing house arrests, raids both day and night and the banning of public gatherings, all without permission from a judge.

According to the LDH, the measures are not effective and likely violate the individual freedom of many people.

President Francois Hollande is seeking parliamentary approval to extend the current three-month state of emergency, which expires on February 26.
