Foreign Minister holds year-end meeting with the press

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld)-Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on Friday hailed the positive contributions the media has made to the Party and State’s foreign affairs this year. At a meeting with the press in Hanoi, Minh praised the contribution by the press in the foreign sector’s success. He called for further cooperation in the implementation of the party resolution in foreign policy next year. He wished for improvement in information quality to ensure a complete view about Vietnam while fully realizing potential of international support in Vietnam’s national construction and defense.

(VOVworld)-Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on Friday hailed the positive contributions the media has made to the Party and State’s foreign affairs this year. At a meeting with the press in Hanoi, Minh praised the contribution by the press in the foreign sector’s success. He called for further cooperation in the implementation of the party resolution in foreign policy next year. He wished for improvement in information quality to ensure a complete view about Vietnam while fully realizing potential of international support in Vietnam’s national construction and defense.
