Fatherland Front leader offers Christmas greetings to Vietnam Protestant Church (North)

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vu Trong Kim, has paid a Christmas visit to Vietnam Protestant Church in the north.

(VOVworld) - Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vu Trong Kim, has paid a Christmas visit to Vietnam Protestant Church in the north.

Fatherland Front leader offers Christmas greetings to Vietnam Protestant Church (North) - ảnh 1

He wished Protestants a Merry Christmas in national unity and called for more practical activities in response to patriotism and poverty reduction movements. Pastor Nguyen Huu Mac representing the church thanked the Fatherland Front and pledged further instruction to Protestant followers to follow the Party and State guidelines and policies while joining hands in national socio-economic development.

