External communications renewed for world’s better understanding about Vietnam

Hong Van
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Head of the Party Central Committee’s Communications and Education Commission Nguyen Trong Nghia has called for renovation in external affairs communications to help the world gain a better understanding about Vietnam.

External communications renewed for world’s better understanding about Vietnam - ảnh 1Head of the Party Central Committee’s Communications and Education Commission Nguyen Trong Nghia. (Photo:  tuyengiao.vn)

Nghia, who is Head of a Steering Committee on External Affairs Communications, told a conference in Hanoi on Wednesday: “For the world to understand Vietnam better, we should accelerate the frequency of external affairs communications and its efficiency, diversification and application of technology, especially in combating distorted views about the Party and State’s guidelines and policies on renovation.”

“This will capitalize on Vietnam’s advantages so that international friends and overseas Vietnamese understand and love Vietnam more,” he said.

Delegates discussed opportunities and challenges in foreign affairs communications this year and asked for closer cooperation between Party, State and people’s diplomacy for enriched and diversified communications.

In 2021, external relations communications highlighted important political, foreign affairs events of Vietnam and disseminated accurate and timely information about Vietnam to the world in many different languages with creative and comprehensive methods.
