Exhibition: Royal treasure – gold books of the Nguyen dynasty

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) - Gold books and other royal gold objects belonging to the Nguyen Dynasty are on display at the Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi. The museum will put on show 22 gold books and a dozen royal objects from the Nguyen dynasty to provide visitors with a better understanding of the Nguyen dynasty’s history and culture.

(VOVworld) - Gold books and other royal gold objects belonging to the Nguyen Dynasty are on display at the Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi. The museum will put on show 22 gold books and a dozen royal objects from the Nguyen dynasty to provide visitors with a better understanding of the Nguyen dynasty’s history and culture.

Exhibition: Royal treasure – gold books of the Nguyen dynasty  - ảnh 1
A gold book of the Nguyen dynasty

Director of the Vietnam National Museum of History, Nguyen Van Cuong, spoke at the inaugural ceremony: “The Museum’s stock has preserved a large volume of the Nguyen dynasty’s legacy, the majority of which are gold books and precious metal objects. The exhibition offers the public a closer view of Nguyen dynasty’s royal objects, which have been preserved carefully.”

The books, made from precious metals such as gold or silver, were used to celebrate significant royal events and rituals, such as coronations and enthronement. They were collected by the kings or high-level courtiers themselves. The exhibition will last until August.
