EVFTA opens opportunities for Vietnam-Czech trade ties

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A Czech economist and diplomat said the European Parliament’s rectification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement marks a big success after 9 years of negotiations. 
EVFTA opens opportunities for Vietnam-Czech trade ties - ảnh 1 (file photo)

It’s the biggest and most ambitious trade agreement the EU has ever signed with a developing country, which is believed will create opportunities for EU investors.

The website of the Czech Foreign Ministry has run an article written by economist and diplomat David Jarkulisch, who is working at the Czech Embassy in Vietnam, saying that EVFTA will remove 99% of tariff lines and offer conditions to remove non-tariff barriers to make it easier for EU businesses access public purchase contracts from the Vietnamese government. The signing of the EVFTA and the EVIPA has significantly liberalized trade and investment lines  and is expected to see an increase of 50% of bilateral trade volume in the 5 years since they took effect.
