Entering Vietnam’s EEZ is China's wrongful act: Indonesian expert

Huong Tra – VOV correspondent in Indonesia
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The Chinese oil survey vessel Haiyang Dizhi 8’s violation of Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the East Sea has drawn global attention.

Entering Vietnam’s EEZ is China's wrongful act: Indonesian expert - ảnh 1Indonesia’s foreign relations expert Gilang Hambara talks to a VOV reporter in Jarkarta  (Photo: Huong Tra/VOV)

Gilang Hambara, foreign relations expert of Indonesia’s Centre for Strategic and International Studies, commented: “Vietnam, a sovereign country, has the right to denounce China’s violation. Entering Vietnam’s EEZ is a wrongful act on the part of China.”

Mr. Hambara said China’s recent unilateral acts, including ramming a Philippine fishing boat and sending a survey vessel to Vietnam’s EEZ, shows its ignorance of international law, which is detrimental to stability in the East Sea. “In recent years, China has repeatedly violated the 1982 UN Convention of the Law of the Sea. In 2013, the Philippines filed a lawsuit against China in the Permanent Court of Arbitration but China rejected any ruling by the Court on its illegal construction of artificial islands, destruction of the environment, and claim of the nine-dash line. China has not abided by the Convention and the Court ruling”, Hambara said.

The Indonesian expert stressed the need to soon adopt the Code of Conduct of parties in the East Sea (COC). He urged ASEAN and the international community to take responsibility for ensuring maritime safety and security in the East Sea.
