Egyptian court jails 160 MB supporters

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(VOVworld) - An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced 126 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood movement to 10 years in prison each in a mass trial over violent protest in the northern city of Kafar El Sheikh.

Egyptian court jails 160 MB supporters  - ảnh 1
Supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi. Photo: Reuters
(VOVworld) - An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced 126 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood movement to 10 years in prison each in a mass trial over violent protest in the northern city of Kafar El Sheikh. They were charged with attacking police, damaging public property and inciting violence on August 16, two days after security forces dispersed two sit-in protests by supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi, killing hundreds of people. Another court, in Cairo, sentenced a further 37 alleged Morsi supporters to 15 years in prison each for their attempts to bomb a metro station last year.
