Egypt begins the largest-ever trial of Morsi supporters

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(VOVworld) – The largest trial in Egypt's history began on Saturday with more than 1,200 supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi facing charges of violence last year.

Egypt begins the largest-ever trial of Morsi supporters - ảnh 1Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court (file photo)

(VOVworld) – The largest trial in Egypt's history began on Saturday with more than 1,200 supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi facing charges of violence last year. They are accused of attacking individuals and public property in southern Egypt last August, after security forces dissolved two camps set up by Morsi supporters in Cairo. The trial is held in Minya in southern Cairo. Mohammed Badie, former supreme leader of the now-banned Muslim Brotherhood, was among the defendants.

According to a report by the National Council for Human Rights, a total of 632 people were killed including 8 police officials on August 14th, 2013, the bloodiest violent day in Egypt’s history. The event sparked riots across 22 out of 27 provinces and cities nationwide. In 3 subsequent days, Muslims conducted a series of attacks at police stations and Christian churches claiming the lives of 686 people including 64 policemen. 

