Egypt: 42 more Morsi-supporters put on trial

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(VOVworld) - An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced 42 supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi to prison terms ranging from three to 15 years on violence-related charges.

 Egypt: 42 more Morsi-supporters put on trial  - ảnh 1
Photo: Getty Images
(VOVworld) - An Egyptian court on Sunday sentenced 42 supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi to prison terms ranging from three to 15 years on violence-related charges. The verdict was delivered by Said Youssef Sabry, the same judge in the southern city of Minya who last month sentenced to death 529 members of the Muslim Brotherhood involved in police station attacks last August, a verdict that triggered international outrage. Said Youssef Sabry is expected to issue another verdict on 700 alleged Muslim Brotherhood members on charges that include attacking and murdering policemen. Since the Egyptian army deposed President Morsi last July, a government campaign to crack down on protestors has left more than 1400 people dead, mostly Morsi-supporters, and jailed about 15000. At least 1000 have been put on trial and sentenced since December.
