DPRK suggests to evacuate foreign embassies

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(VOVworld) – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has told foreign embassies in Pyongyang to consider evacuating their employees in case of escalating tension on the Korean peninsula.

(VOVworld) – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has told foreign embassies in Pyongyang to consider evacuating their employees in case of escalating tension on the Korean peninsula. A press person for the Russian embassy there, Denis Samsonov, told Russian News Agency, ITAr-Tass, that that Russia had no immediate plan and the embassy was working normally. Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted on Friday during a visit to Uzbekistan that Moscow is trying to figure out the situation before making any decision.

DPRK suggests to evacuate foreign embassies  - ảnh 1
Russian Embassy in Pyongyang (photo: rusembdprk.ru)

British Foreign Ministry has asked Pyongyang to take responsibility to protect foreign diplomatic corps according to the Vienna Convention. Britain said its embassy in Pyongyang had been told by the North Korean government it "would be unable to guarantee the safety of embassies and international organizations in the country in the event of conflict from April 10th".

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro called on relevant parties, particularly the US and North Korea, to avoid confrontation and take the responsibility to maintain peace. 

South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported that North Korea has placed two of its Musudan intermediate-range missiles on mobile launchers and hidden them on the east coast of the country. In response, South Korea’s marine force deployed two destroyers to the eastern and western coast of the Korean peninsula on Friday. Seoul has installed the Green Pine radar system to detect ground-to-air missiles and mobilized the Peace Eye airborne early warning and control aircraft.
