Differences between European countries remain on migration crisis

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(VOVworld) – Differences between European countries on migration crisis still remain prior to the extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council’s meeting on Monday in Brussels, Belgium to discuss plans for quota for migrant intakes.

(VOVworld) – Differences between European countries on migration crisis still remain prior to the extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council’s meeting on Monday in Brussels, Belgium to discuss plans for quota for migrant intakes.
Speaking to the press on Sunday, spokesperson for Latvia’s Minister for the Interior Daiga Holma said the Minister cancelled his trip to the meeting due to those differences. Latvia said migrant intake issue should be resolved within each country.

Differences between European countries remain on migration crisis - ảnh 1
Europe’s migrant crisis (Photo: cnn.com)

On the same day, Slovakia’s Minister of Interior Robert Kaliak said the country will use its veto power to decide the quota for migrant intake. He said together with the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, Slovakia will continue protesting against compulsory receiving of migrants in European countries. Meanwhile, Poland is open a possibility that it may receive more migrants to the country if the EU protects its outside border and classifies migrants for war or economic purposes. 
