Cuba to analyze adjustments in economic model

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(VOVworld) - Cuban President Raul Castro has called for a critical and constructive analysis of measures that are part of the update of economic model.

Cuba to analyze adjustments in economic model - ảnh 1
Cuban President Raul Castro

(VOVworld) - Cuban President Raul Castro has called for a critical and constructive analysis of measures that are part of the update of economic model.

Cuban media quoted Castro as saying at a meeting of the Council of Ministers last Saturday that not all the government is doing is perfect and that sometimes the government lacks experience in some issues and possibly commits errors. Thus the most important issue is to recognize these mistakes to timely correct them. Castro said that the plan to adjust the economic model is progressing, but slowly.

Cuba now has 224 cooperatives in the fields of commerce, gastronomy services, construction, transportation, and industry. In the future, an additional 200 cooperatives will be licensed.

At the meeting, the Council of Ministers approved policies to step up geological research aimed at increasing resources and reserves of minerals to meet production needs and minimize the impact of geological and environmental processes on human health. Ways to correct investment errors were also analyzed.
