Consultation workshop on constitutional amendments held

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-The Party Central Committee’s External Relations Commission held an in-house meeting on Tuesday to gather opinions on the amendments to the 1992 Constitution. Participants agreed on the amendments, saying that they meet development needs especially the building of socialist state of law for the people and by the people. The amendment clearly defines human rights and citizen rights and that of overseas Vietnamese. Delegates urged the commission to promote communication to better inform international friends of the pu

(VOVworld)-The Party Central Committee’s External Relations Commission held an in-house meeting on Tuesday to gather opinions on the amendments to the 1992 Constitution. Participants agreed on the amendments, saying that they meet development needs especially the building of socialist state of law for the people and by the people. The amendment clearly defines human rights and citizen rights and that of overseas Vietnamese. Delegates urged the commission to promote communication to better inform international friends of the purpose of amendment while tackling hostile forces in distorting the Party and State guidelines as well as national unity.
