China accused of using navy to intimidate fishing vessels in East Sea

Chia sẻ
OVworld) - The Philippines and the US have accused China of using its navy to threaten fishing vessels in the East Sea.

(VOVworld) - The Philippines and the US have accused China of using its navy to threaten fishing vessels in the East Sea.

China accused of using navy to intimidate fishing vessels in East Sea - ảnh 1
Chinese fishing boats steam toward the East Sea. (Photo: Reuters)

The Philippine authorities reported on Wednesday that China had sent its ships to a coral island in the East Sea, obstructing Filipino fishing boats.

Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said the Chinese coast guard ships were gone when Philippines government boats patrolled the area.

The Philippines Foreign Ministry has asked China to exercise restraint and avoid possible actions which could affect peace and stability in the region.

Speaking at a press conference on the same day, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington does not want to see China using its navy to intimidate fishing vessels in the region.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter also warned China not to militarize the waters. Carter said the US army was ready to send more troops to the area and will spend an additional 425 million dollars on maritime capacity-building efforts with regional countries.
