BRICS adopts Ufa Declaration

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(VOVworld) - Leaders of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have adopted the Ufa declaration, the final results of the summit on Thursday.

BRICS adopts Ufa Declaration           - ảnh 1
BRICS leaders © Summit's photo-host agency

(VOVworld) - Leaders of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have adopted the Ufa declaration, the final results of the summit on Thursday. The declaration expresses "deep concern" about the situation in Ukraine, noting that there can be no military solution to the conflicts there and the only path to reconciliation is through political dialogue. BRICS countries voiced their support for Russia’s initiative to organize consultations for Syrian factions in Moscow. The declaration called on other countries to fight any forms of trade protection, and support the World Trade Organization and other international organizations.  
