Brexit negotiations unlikely to start until June

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(VOVworld) – Brexit negotiations between Britain and the EU are unlikely to start until June now that British Prime Minister Theresa May intends to trigger article 50 under the Lisbon Treaty at the end of March.

(VOVworld) – Brexit negotiations between Britain and the EU are unlikely to start until June now that British Prime Minister Theresa May intends to trigger article 50 under the Lisbon Treaty at the end of March.

Brexit negotiations unlikely to start until June - ảnh 1
British Prime Minister Theresa May. (Photo: EPA/VNA)

After triggering article 50, May will send an announcement to the President of the European Council, who will then convene a meeting to set principles for negotiations prior to official talks. The European Council had planned to hold a summit in April, but as a result of the UK’s actions, the meeting will be postponed until the end of May.

The delay is a setback for the British government, which was hoping to negotiate both a withdrawal agreement with the EU and a comprehensive free trade deal in the dwindling period available for talks.
