Book features Vietnam-Russia relations

Diep Anh & Doan Hai – VOV in Moscow
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - A book called “From Both Sides: Russia-Vietnam Ties, Past and Present” reached the public in Moscow on Wednesday.
(VOVworld) - A book called “From Both Sides: Russia-Vietnam Ties, Past and Present” reached the public in Moscow on Wednesday. The book was a joint effort by the Vietnam-ASEAN Research Centre of the Far Eastern Institute and institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). 

The book features the establishment and development of Russia-Vietnam ties up to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Book features Vietnam-Russia relations - ảnh 1
The book “From Both Sides: Russia-Vietnam Ties, Past and Present” (Photo: VOV)

Speaking at a launch ceremony, Minister Counsellor Nguyen Hung thanked the authors, whose work helps to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.  Hung said: "This book examines bilateral relations through different historical periods. I believe it will contribute to a tighter Russia-Vietnam friendship and strategic partnership cooperation".

The 400-page book is recommended for teachers and students studying Vietnam and East Asia.
