Belgium shares development experience with Vietnam
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -Belgium is willing to share its development experience with Vietnam, Senate President Stephanie D'Hose told Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao at a reception in Brussels on Wednesday.

Belgium shares development experience with Vietnam  - ảnh 1 Senate President Stephanie D'Hose and  Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao at a reception in Brussels (Photo: Huong Giang/VNA)

Strengthening the exchange of experience in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding economic, trade and investment relations, and promoting the ratification of the Investment Protection Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam (EVIPA) are Belgium’s priorities in its partnership with Vietnam, she said.

D'Hose expressed her satisfaction at the positive development in bilateral relations in general and between the legislative bodies of the two countries in particular, especially the results of the recent visit to Belgium by Vietnam National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

She assured his guest that the Belgian parliament will continue promoting the ratification of the EVIPA, while suggesting that the two sides seek opportunities to ramp up cultural cooperation, education and people-to-people exchanges.

Ambassador Thao highly appreciated the Belgian parliament’s goodwill, and suggested that Belgium soon ratify and lobby other EU members to complete the ratification of the EVIPA, in order to facilitate businesses’ operations in each other’s markets.

He noted that the two countries still have a lot of room for expanding cooperation, especially in areas where Belgium has strengths and Vietnam has needs such as renewable energy, smart agriculture, seaports and logistics, digital economy, climate change, and smart city.

As the two countries are rich in cultural traditions, he said both Belgium and Vietnam should increase cultural exchanges and education and student exchanges so as to enhance mutual understanding between their peoples.
