Asian-African senior officials’ meeting begins

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(VOVworld) – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said in her opening speech at the Asian-African Senior Officials Meeting on Sunday that expanding South-South cooperation between development partners will improve the implementation of targets under the inter-regional cooperation framework.

(VOVworld) – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said in her opening speech at the Asian-African Senior Officials Meeting on Sunday that expanding South-South cooperation between development partners will improve the implementation of targets under the inter-regional cooperation framework.

Asian-African senior officials’ meeting begins  - ảnh 1

Asian-African foreign ministers and senior officials pose during a photo session at the Asian African Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta, on April 20, 2015. (Photo: EPA)

Minister Marsudi said Asia and Africa will go beyond South-South cooperation and try to develop good relations with development partners to create a three-way cooperation.
She said co-operation will not only reduce the development gap between countries but also ensure world peace and prosperity.
