ASEAN promotes Hanoi Declaration on social work

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(VOVWORLD) -The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Tuesday convened a regional interdisciplinary online conference on the Roadmap for implementing the Hanoi Declaration on Strengthening Social Work Towards Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN Community. 

At last year’s Summits, ASEAN leaders recognized the Roadmap after the Declaration was approved in 2021. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs is in charge of developing the Declaration and the Conference's Roadmap.

Participants discussed increasing the awareness and responsibility of stakeholders about the Hanoi Declaration and promoting social work, and the Roadmap for the implementation of the Declaration.

Other topics included the role of social workers in education, health and disaster management and guidelines on the role of social work in sectoral agencies and the proportion of social workers in ASEAN member states.
