Arab League calls for greater effort to end Israeli occupation

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(VOVworld) - The Arab League has urged the international community and the Arab world to put an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to implement international resolutions pertaining to the two-state solution.
(VOVworld) - The Arab League has urged the international community and the Arab world to put an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to implement international resolutions pertaining to the two-state solution.
Arab League calls for greater effort to end Israeli occupation - ảnh 1
Ramat Shlomo settlement neighborhood in Jerusalem (Source: AFP/VNA)

On Monday, the league’s Assistant Secretary-General of Palestinian Affairs Ambassador Said Abu Ali criticized the lack of international will to end the Israeli occupation and support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and statehood with Jerusalem as its capital. The statement was made at the 97th four-day meeting of the Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in Cairo. Abu Ali called for 2017 to be the year that marks the end of the Israeli occupation. 
