Arab, European Foreign Ministers discuss Syria, Palestine

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Latest developments in Syria and Palestine has been the topic of a meeting between Arab and European Foreign Ministers at the Arab League headquarter in Cairo, Egypt.

Arab, European Foreign Ministers discuss Syria, Palestine - ảnh 1
UK Foreign Minister William Hague. Photo: Internet

Latest developments in Syria and Palestine has been the topic of a meeting between Arab and European Foreign Ministers at the Arab League headquarter in Cairo, Egypt. At yesterday’s meeting, Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil al-Arabi once again welcomed the establishment of “The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces”. He urged European countries to support Palestine’s bid for observer status at the United Nation. Arabi also stressed the goal of “Arab-Europe cooperation promotion”. The Foreign Minister of Lebannon Adnan Mansour said that the world should strengthen cooperation to solve Syria crisis and maintain peace and security in Syria as well as the whole region. French Foreign Minister Lauren Fabius called on world’s powers to acknowledge the opposition alliance in Syria. UK Foreign Minister William Hague said that “the establishment of the new alliance is an important milestone”, but not enough for being fully-recognized as a representative government in Syria. Meanwhile, National Security Advisor in the Obama Administration Tom Donilon and the Israeli senior officials discussed at White House Syria conflict, Iran nuclear power plan and other security issues. Israel- Syria conflict is escalating due to dual artillery retaliations. Israeli Minister of Defense Ehud Barak said that Tel Aviv is considering several solutions to restore order in the border with Gaza Strip after Palestine’s gunmen continued firing into Israeli territory for 4 consecutive days.
