Animal cruelty subject to 130 USD fine in Vietnam

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Beating and torturing certain animals could be punishable by fines of up to 3 million VND (130 USD) starting April 20, VnExpress reported, citing a new decree on animal husbandry violations. 
Animal cruelty subject to 130 USD fine in Vietnam - ảnh 1Stray dogs are kept in cages in Hanoi, 2018. (Photo: VnExpress/Tat Dinh)

Specifically, beating or torturing domesticated animals, including four-legged mammals like dogs and cats and two-legged avian species like chickens and ducks, could result in fines between VND1 million and VND3 million, while abattoirs could be fined between VND3 million and VND5 million should they either beat animals prior to slaughtering them or not inducing unconsciousness prior to death.

The fines would be doubled for organizations committing similar violations.

Animal torture in the decree is defined as using force to beat, bind and confine them, or leaving them to starve and not caring for them.
