Algerian Prime Minister praises General Giap’s talent

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(VOVworld) - Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has praised General Vo Nguyen Giap as “one of the greatest revolutionists in the world” and a “great hero who left an imprint on the past century.”

(VOVworld) - Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has praised General Vo Nguyen Giap as “one of the greatest revolutionists in the world” and a “great hero who left an imprint on the past century.”

Algerian Prime Minister praises General Giap’s talent - ảnh 1
General Vo Nguyen Giap is one of the most prominent strategists in the 20th century.
(Photo: VGP)

In talks with Ambassador Vu The Hiep on Wednesday after paying tribute to General Giap at the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria, Sellal expressed his admiration of General Giap’s military talent in the art of war. The Algerian leader called General Giap a “talented tactician” and one of the best masterminds in war, particularly the war against the colonialists.

The general led the revolution and, with his talent, created a big military school. He left a large legacy of tactics in the art of war for soldiers loving freedom, which have been taught in renowned war colleges worldwide. Sellal said the General “had helped Algerian revolutionists learn much, especially how to carry out a struggle against colonialism”, adding that Algerians have continued learning because they still need General Giap’s lessons.

According to the Prime Minister, “many Algerians, old and young, know General Giap and are fond of him because he remains one of the greatest heroes of the Vietnamese revolution”.     
