2018 Cherry Blossom – Yen Tu Yellow Ochna Flower Festival begins

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The 2018 Cherry Blossom – Yen Tu Yellow Ochna Flower Festival opened Thursday at the Truc Lam Yen Tu Culture Centre in Uong Bi city.  
2018 Cherry Blossom – Yen Tu Yellow Ochna Flower Festival begins  - ảnh 1The 2018 Cherry Blossom – Yen Tu Yellow Ochna Flower Festival (Source: baoquangninh.com.vn) 

This is the sixth time Quang Ninh province and the Japan International Culture Association WANOKA have organized the Cherry Blossom Festival and the third time the organizers have added Yen Tu yellow apricot flowers to the event. This year, the Festival is taking place at the Yen Tu relic site – where Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen bagan– instead of in Ha Long city. The Festival will display 50 cherry trees, 5,000 bonsai trees, and more than 100 Yen Tu yellow ochna trees and will include a trade fair to introduce local farm produce. It will also have a fashion show of traditional and modern clothing of Vietnam and Japan and art performances. Nguyen Manh Ha, Chairman of the Uong Bi People's Committee, said: “The festival is an opportunity to encourage Japanese investments in Vietnam. We pledge to create favorable conditions for businesses.” 

The event, part of National Tourism Year 2018 hosted by Quang Ninh, will run until Monday.
