Wednesday March 8, 2017

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - First, we want to congratulate all our female listeners on International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Remember that all human life springs from women. Smile, all you women, because without you life would be impossible. Enjoy your day to the fullest.
(VOVworld) - First, we want to congratulate all our female listeners on International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Remember that all human life springs from women. Smile, all you women, because without you life would be impossible. Enjoy your day to the fullest.

A: Be happy not just on International Women’s Day, but every day. I’m reading an email from S.B. Sharma of India. He said he listened to a VOV program at 16H00 UTC at 7220 khz with good reception. He has been regularly listening to VOV’s programs on the Internet. But because we do not issue QSL cards to listeners on Internet radio, Mr. Sharma sent us some feedback after listening to a shortwave program February 8.

B: He wrote: “I listened to a marvelous program related to India-Vietnam bilateral relations and cooperation. India and Vietnam marked 45 years of diplomatic relations and 10 years of strategic partnership. From today’s program, I have come to know that India and Vietnam are celebrating 2017 as Friendship Year with meetings, food festivals, exhibitions, and exchanges. I was lucky to listen to this program. The host sounded as excited as I felt.”

Wednesday March 8, 2017 - ảnh 1
The image of a buffalo boy blowing flute is typically Vietnam

A: Thank you, Mr. Sharma, for your feedback and your enthusiasm for VOV’s program. We’ll think about verifying reception reports for Internet radio programs. Meanwhile, we hope to continue receiving your feedback for our shortwave broadcasts.

B: Koichi Ikeda of Japan listened to our program on March 4. He said listening conditions were excellent with SINPO at 55444. Mr. Ikeda wrote: “I am happy that I listened to the news of our Emperor's visit to Vietnam. I really hope the relationship between two countries continuing to strengthen.”

A: Stories about the royal couple’s visit to Vietnam were featured on the frontpage of Vietnamese and foreign newspapers. Their visit helped improve bilateral ties, especially in people-to-people exchanges and cultural proximity.  

Wednesday March 8, 2017 - ảnh 2

B: From Pakistan, Kalab Abbas sent us an audio message to share his feeling of VOV and Vietnam.  

A: Thank you, Mr. Abbas, for your compliment, which is an encouragement for all the VOV staff to continue improving our program. In another email, Mr. Abbas wrote: “I love the sound of wind instruments. We should try to listen more to the Vietnamese bamboo flute. It can be said that the bamboo flute contains the musical essence of the Vietnamese countryside together with the four tranquil seasons. This is a spiritual melody that I never heard before. Can you play it for me?”

B: Sure, we will. Here comes Ngoc Khue with a background flute.

A: You’re listening to the Letter Box on VOV. Shivendu Paul, President of the Metali Listeners’ Club, told us that his club’s members want to know about Vietnam’s educational system, particularly different school sports. Does your school syllabus include sports? he asked.

Wednesday March 8, 2017 - ảnh 3
The opening ceremony of a National Phu Dong Sports Festival

B: Physical exercise is part of the curriculum from primary school to high school. But physical exercise classes are unpopular because most schools lack playing fields or facilities for table tennis, volleyball, badminton, or swimming.

A: A joint program on organising physical training and sports activities at schools until 2020 has been signed between the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

B: Besides investing in sports facilities at schools, one proposed solution is for schools to cooperate with sports centers, clubs, and swimming pools.

A: One of Vietnam’s biggest festivals is the National Phu Dong Sports Festival which is held every 4 years. The Phu Dong Sports Festival is something all primary students really look forward to. Football, basketball, swimming, chess, and other competitions at the Phu Dong Sports Festival encourage students to strengthen their bodies as well as their minds.

B: This week, we acknowledge letters from Héctor Frías Jofré of Chile, Ram Babu Kumar, Deekay Dimple, and Thotam Melaveethi of India, Eddy Setiawan of Indonesia, Kristian Kolar of the Netherlands, and Sandro Blatter of Switzerland.

A: Dear listeners, thank you very much for tuning in to our programs and sending us feedback. We’ll verify your reception reports and hope you’ll receive our QSL cards soon.

B: We welcome your feedback at: English Section, VOVworld, Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Our email address is Thank you for listening to VOV on shortwave and for visiting our website. Good bye until next time.
