Wednesday March 25, 2020

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - We have some good news for you today. The “What do you know about Vietnam?” contest, held by the Voice of Vietnam every 5 years, is back. The 2020 contest, which coincides with many important events in Vietnam and VOV, is open to foreigners and overseas Vietnamese around the world.
Wednesday March 25, 2020 - ảnh 1 Award ceremony of the 2015 VOV Contest "What do you know about Vietnam?" 

B: To participate in this contest, you need to answer 6 questions:

A: 1. In 2020, Vietnam will serve as the ASEAN Chair and as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure. What are Vietnam’s priorities for the ASEAN Chairmanship Year 2020? What were Vietnam’s contributions to the UN Security Council during its term as the Council’s President in January?

B: 2. Vietnam will host a number of important political and external affairs events in 2020. Name the 5 events that you find of greatest interest. What are your thoughts about the event that interests you the most? 

A: 3. Vietnam has been actively involved in UN peacekeeping missions. What achievements has Vietnam already recorded in this area and what do you expect Vietnam to accomplish in the future?

B: 4. Vietnam boasts a wealth of UNESCO-recognized heritages. Name at least 5 of these heritages and talk about the heritage you find most impressive.

A: 5. What thoughts strike you first when you think about Vietnam? Why?

B: 6. How do you access the Voice of Vietnam’s programs? Which VOV program do you like best? Why?

A: Those are the six questions you have to answer in order to participate in our contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”, which is held every five years for foreign and overseas Vietnamese listeners.

B: Entries should be accompanied by a clear photocopy of the contestant’s passport or other ID. All the information you need to answer these questions can be found in our radio broadcasts and on our website at

A: Entries should be sent by post to VOVWORLD, 45 Ba Trieu street, Hanoi, Vietnam, or emailed to: between March 15, 2020 and July 15, 2020.

B: The 3 top contestants will win a free 5-day trip to Vietnam. Good luck to you all!

Wednesday March 25, 2020 - ảnh 2 Ha Long Bay

A:You’re listening to the Letter Box. We hope you are all safe and sound during this coronavirus pandemic which is spreading around the world.

B: Covid-19 is the hottest topic in the world these days as the number of infections grows in countries. Amid all the fear and anxiety, people have found different ways to encourage one another to stay calm and cheer up.

A: Despite mandated isolation, people in some European cities hit hard by the novel coronavirus are taking a minute each night to show solidarity.

B: They stand at open windows or on balconies in Rome, Madrid, Paris, Athens, and Amsterdam, playing musical instruments, singing, cheering, and applauding.

A: The applause is for the doctors, nurses, and other health care workers who are putting themselves at risk on the front lines of the pandemic that is forcing most residents to stay at home.

B: In addition, governments and people around the world are using funny viral videos to teach the public how to stay safe and prevent a wider pandemic.

A: In Vietnam, a music video is recorded to encourage people to reduce their risk of infection by proper hand-washing. The song “Ghen Co Vy” went viral on social networks in early March after it was featured on HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

A: The song has been covered in multiple languages by people around the world. Search for “Ghen Co Vy” on YouTube or Instagram and a lot of versions will come up. Check it out.

Wednesday March 25, 2020 - ảnh 3GhenCovyChallenge is popular on Tik Tok 

B: Meanwhile, “Vietnam oi”, a popular song Vietnamese people sing to celebrate a football victory, has a new version that urges Vietnamese people to stay united to defeat coronavirus. Minh Beta, who wrote the song, said the new version, called “Vietnam, let’s wipe out corona”, was written with the strong conviction that together we can defeat the virus.

Wednesday March 25, 2020 - ảnh 4

A: In many letters to VOV this week, our Bangladeshi listeners sent greetings on the occasion of the 49th Independence Day of Bangladesh, March 26. Our best wishes go out to all Bangladeshis on this occasion.

B: This week we’d like to welcome to VOV Ms. Tahreem Arish of the VOV Girls’ Web Club in Pakistan. In her letter to VOV, Ms. Arish wrote: “Greetings to all staff and listeners of the English Service of the Voice of Vietnam. We often listen to your informative programs, which are very nice. Your website is colorful and informative. We liked your programs, news, and current affairs program. We are interested in the culture and life style of the Vietnamese people, and the historical sites and other tourist attractions of Vietnam.”

B: Thank you, Ms. Arish, for tuning in to VOV and for your comments on our programs, which are also available on the internet at and on our mobile app, called “VOV Media”. We look forward to receiving more feedback from you.

A: I’m looking at an email from Zosna Rahman of Bangladesh that says: “I listened to a VOV Program on March 9 on the frequency of 7220 khz. The signal was good. In your Colorful Vietnam-Vietnam’s 54 Ethnic Groups segment, I learned about Khau Cut, a symbol of Thai family status. Thanks for the story.”

B: Thank you, Mr. Rahman. We’ll send you our program guide and frequency list. Next week’s Colorful Vietnam segment will feature the Makeup Day of the Lo Lo ethnic minority. Keep tuning in! We hope to hear more from you.

A: Here is a letter from Grant Skinner of the UK with a reception report for the March 6 program on the frequency of 7280kz with a SINPO of 24352. Commenting on the technical reception of the program, he wrote: “Noise like waves which was on top of the broadcast which fluctuated so I could hear some of the broadcast but not very often.”

B: Also listening to VOV on the frequency of 7280 khz, David Ansell of the UK said the signal for the program on March 10 was good with no interference and noise and moderate fading.

A: Thank you all for your reports and feedback on the program content and technical reception. They are extremely helpful for us to improve our transmission. We’ll send you QSL cards to confirm.

B: Once again, we’d like to remind you of our contest What do you know about Vietnam. Information about the contest is now available on our website: The three top contestants will win a free 5-day trip to Vietnam. Good luck!

A: We welcome your feedback at: English Service, VOVworld, the Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Or you can email us at our new email address: You’re invited to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs.

B: Check out our VOV Media App, available on both the IOS and Android platform to hear our live broadcasts. We look forward to your feedback on the mobile version of Once again, thank you all for listening.
