Vivid symbol of special Vietnam-Laos relationship

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith is paying a state visit to Vietnam from Tuesday to Friday. The visit vividly demonstrates the great friendship, special solidarity, close attachment, and loyalty between the two Parties, States, and people of Vietnam and Laos.

Vivid symbol of special Vietnam-Laos relationship - ảnh 1General Secretary and President To Lam chairs a welcome ceremony for General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith. (Photo: VOV)

Special solidarity nurtured

Thongloun Sisoulith’s Vietnam visit takes place with the bilateral relationship continuing to reap many achievements. The relationship involves strong cooperation in every field.

Political relations, which continue to strengthen, play a key role in the overall relationship. Both countries consider their great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation to be priceless assets of their Party and nation and the main source of their strength, which needs to be preserved, promoted, and passed on to future generations.

Vietnam's consistent policy is to give top priority to developing in-depth, effective, and sustainable cooperation with Laos, said Le Hoai Trung, Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Affairs.

“These important diplomatic activities of the Party and State are taking place with the two Parties and countries implementing the resolutions the 11th National Party Congress of Laos and the 13th National Party Congress of Vietnam and preparing to hold new National Party Congresses in early 2026. The visit is taking place very soon after President To Lam was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam,” Trung said.

Vietnam and Laos always promote and refine existing cooperation mechanisms while deploying new cooperation mechanisms and exchanging ideas on strategic issues related to national security and development.

The two Parties and nations have signed a number of cooperation documents in key fields. Economic, trade, and investment cooperation is a bright spot in bilateral relations, with two-way trade turnover reaching 1.6 billion USD in 2023 and 1.3 billion USD in the first eight months of this year.
Vivid symbol of special Vietnam-Laos relationship - ảnh 2General Secretary and President To Lam and General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith pose for a photo before holding talks.

Growing stably together

During reciprocal visits and working sessions the leaders of the two countries have had substantive, frank discussions on orientations to make bilateral relations stable, firm, and effective. The leaders of the two countries coordinate and support each other’s stance at multilateral forums, Mr. Trung said.

“During this visit the leaders of the two Parties and countries will brief each other about their internal situation, exchange views on international developments, evaluate cooperation results, and propose ways to improve cooperation to meet the interests of their peoples and Parties for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.”

In the new period, the global and regional situation continues to evolve rapidly and complicatedly. To successfully implement the renewal process in each country and the Resolution of the National Congress of each Party, the two sides continue to affirm the strategic significance of their special solidarity on the principles agreed upon by the two Parties and the spirit of promoting independence, self-reliance, mutual benefit, and appropriately combining the special nature of the Vietnam-Laos relationship with international practices.

Along with the development of the Vietnam-Laos relationship, the visits of the leaders of the two countries and the visit of General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith to Vietnam affirm that the Party, State and people of the two countries are determined to develop the Vietnam-Laos friendship at every stage of history.
