Vietnam committed to UN peacekeeping mission

Anh Huyen
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - On April 27, Vietnam sent a team of engineers to the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei, a disputed area between Sudan and South Sudan. This event marks a new milestone of Vietnam’s participation in UN peacekeeping activities.

Vietnam committed to UN peacekeeping mission  - ảnh 1Officers of the Vietnamese engineer team together with over 2,000 tons of weapons and equipment embark on a mission of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei. Photo:

184 Vietnamese sappers and more than 2,000 tons of ammunitions are on their way to the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), the third peacekeeping mission Vietnam has participated in.

Large scale deployment

After eight years, Vietnam has deployed a large-scale squad for the international missions, which is a great challenge and different from the previous deployment of individuals for independent operation or running a level 2 field hospital.

To accomplish this challenging task, Vietnam has made thorough preparations for a squad that meets the requirements for knowledge, health, English proficiency and capability of international cooperation. All were approved by the UN inspection team in Vietnam. As a result, Vietnam was chosen among 15 engineering teams from various countries. Major General Hoang Kim Phung, Director of the Peacekeeping Department at the Ministry of National Defense, said:“It took us more than five years to prepare personnel who are all engineers, machine experts, and high-level builders selected from 21 units such as construction sapper team and teams in charge of building roads and bridges. The UN’s advance inspection team tested and evaluated them as the most outstanding among 15 engineering teams that wanted to join the UNISFA.”

Vietnam committed to UN peacekeeping mission  - ảnh 2Major General Hoang Kim Phung, Director of Peacekeeping Department, Ministry of National Defense. Photo:

Challenges overcome

Major General Hoang Kim Phung said the Ministry of National Defense and the Central Military Commission have ensured that the sappers will have good weapons and equipment to fulfill their overseas mission.

“First, we got the equipment from the Ministry of Defense. Second, we converted some motorcycle equipment and weapons to suit the United Nations' criteria. We also purchased new equipment from abroad. With these three sources, we have met the United Nations' requirements for our engineering team who will be responsible for building bridges, ferries, ports, airports or camps for refugees and then drilling wells for people in border areas. Another task is to build high-rise buildings and makeshift barracks. These are the tasks that our sappers often do in Vietnam and we see that they are fully capable of accomplishing their mission well,” said Major General Phung.

As Vietnam is integrating in the world, its military participation in UN peacekeeping operations has shown maturity. Currently, Vietnam has four officers appointed by the UN as representatives. Vietnam has signed agreements for bilateral defense cooperation in peacekeeping with nine international partners. Vietnam’s successful participation in the UN peacekeeping mission has promoted Vietnam’s international status.

Vietnamese soldiers’ presence in African countries helps promote the image of the Vietnamese people among the Asians, Africans, and Latinos, who supported Vietnam in its struggles for national liberation and defense. Vietnam plans to expand its forces from military medics, engineers or independent officers to infantry, military control, police and civilian forces. Vietnam is not only contributing to defense diplomacy or international cooperation, but also developing its military knowledge and experience gained from its struggles for national liberation to a new level.
