The Party’s consistent policy of respecting talents

Thu Hoa
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Hostile forces often attempt to distort the Party’s personnel preparations for key positions in the Party and State ahead of Party Congresses. History shows that the Party consistently respects and prioritizes talent and morality in its human resource development policies.

Throughout Vietnam’s history attracting and respecting individuals with talent and morality have been an important part of Vietnam’s national policy. The Communist Party of Vietnam has always paid special attention to cadres’ capacity building. The Party has issued guidelines for personnel work to meet the needs of every revolutionary period.

Policies on personnel work have been fine-tuned

The documents of the 10th Party Congress affirmed the importance of discovering, training, fostering, and using talent and devising national strategies for exploiting talent as a key  part of its cadre policies. The documents noted the importance of appointing talented people with high morality to the key positions. The resolution of the 4th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on Party building sets new policies for selecting and appointing talented and moral people to leadership positions. The documents of the 12th Party Congress emphasized the need to develop cadres with sufficient capacity, dignity, and reputation to be worthy of their assigned duties. The Politburo of the 12th Party Central Committee issued criteria for assessing leaders, cadres and managers. The Party has issued several regulations and resolutions on assessing officials of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Party Secretariat, nominating and appointing of cadres, and training cadres to meet the needs of international integration and development. The documents on personnel work reflect the Party and State’s strong determination to tighten discipline and select only talented and moral cadres to be Vietnam’s leaders.

Cadres are carefully selected at Party Congresses

Under the leadership of the Party, Vietnam’s strategic cadres have been developed to serve national industrialization, modernization, and international integration. Appointments and elections to key positions in the political system have been reformed toward ensuring democracy, transparency, objectivity, morality, and public participation. In personnel work, sound mechanisms, sound incentives and a sound environment are needed to promote creativity and discourage negativity. This comes through standardizing cadres and tightening discipline.

Preparation for and organization of Party Congresses at all levels is conducted in a democratic manner with efficiency, tight discipline, respect for quality, and upholding the responsibility of Party organizations and leaders. Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong said Party Congresses create an opportunity to screen cadres and select the most deserving and capable. Personnel preparation needs to be done according to Party rules and regulations and State law and with a focus on quality. Selected cadres must be people who have wisdom, dignity, a good reputation, high morality, leadership ability and a fighting spirit, said the Party leader.
