Drug addicts helped to reintegrate into the community

Le Phuong
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - June 26th is observed as World Drug Day and Vietnam’s National Day of Drug Prevention and Control. Along with fighting and preventing drug-related crimes, Vietnam has always paid attention to helping drug addicts reintegrate into the community. Vocational training and job generation are important ways to help addicts following their rehab.

Drug addicts helped to reintegrate into the community - ảnh 1Trainees learn sewing leather balls at the Drug Rehabilitation Center of Son La province. (photo: VOV)

Localities implementing the 2021 Law on Drug Prevention and Control have organized vocational training for 15,000 people and literacy classes for 2,600 people. 38,000 addicts have been helped post-rehab.

There are currently 10,000 people managing, supporting, and providing psychological and other consultation to former drug addicts detoxifying at home.

Policies to help recovering addicts reintegrate into society

The State always creates conditions to help recovering addicts in line with the law and policies. Notably, the Government’s Decree116 issued in 2012 clearly stipulates support for recovering addicts and post-rehab management measures.

Following detoxification, recovering addicts are exempted from or charged reduced tuition fees for studying and vocational training, receive incentive loans from the National Employment Fund, and receive priority in public employment. Depending on the local socio-economic situation, authorities may offer preferential loans to people recovering from addiction.

Vu Van Uy, Deputy Head of the Drug Detoxification Policy Office of the Department for Social Vices Prevention of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, said: “State policies specify that businesses that hire recovering addicts are exempted from corporate income tax and land use fees. The Prime Minister issued a Decision on helping recovering addicts borrow loans, apply for jobs, and develop livelihoods. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has directed the implementation of livelihood support models to help recovering addicts develop production. Community reintegration requires the cooperation of the authorities at all levels to help drug addicts find stable jobs.”

Vietnamese ministries and agencies have coordinated in developing a National Target Program to prevent, combat, and treat drug addiction and handle urgent drug-related problems.

Coordination with the central and local administration

Vietnam has 97 drug rehabilitation facilities under the management of the Departments of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of cities and provinces. In addition to detoxification and treatment, these facilities pay special attention to education, vocational training, and employment. Drug addicts can participate in entry-level vocational training classes for occupations compatible with their health and skills, such as electrical work, welding, and sewing, as well as occupational therapy to help them reintegrate into the community.

Since 2015, the Hanoi Employment Service Center has coordinated with 7 drug rehabilitation centers in Hanoi to organize vocational training and job orientation for drug addicts trying to return to the community.

Drug addicts helped to reintegrate into the community - ảnh 2Vu Quang Thanh, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Employment Service Center (photo: VOV)

Vu Quang Thanh, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Employment Service Center, said: “We have helped our trainees acquire interviewing skills, prepare job applications, and develop social skills for their future job.”

The Drug Rehabilitation Center of Son La province has collaborated with the Vocational Training Center to train 100 drug addicts for farm work. A trainee said: “I was advised to learn electronic component assembly, sewing, or fruit processing.  I wanted to work at a company assembling electronic components. I hope that after my treatment, I can go to work to stabilize my life.”

Generating jobs for drug addicts following detoxification is a humane policy of the Party and State of Vietnam. It helps recovering addicts stabilize their lives, prevents relapse, and contributes to social security.
