Businesses strive to address labor shortage due to COVID-19

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - As coronavirus continues to spread rapidly, many employees are now quarantining at home with COVID-19 infections, causing a serious labor shortage for many businesses. Measures are being taken to deal with the problem. 
Businesses strive to address labor shortage due to COVID-19 - ảnh 1(photo: VNA)

The growing number of workers in industrial and export-processing zones staying home to treat coronavirus infections is hurting production.

Bach Thang Long, Deputy Director General of the Garment 10 Corporation, says that because 10-40% of its factory workers are infected, the company has had to adjust its production plans based on the situation in each locality. 

"Our company has many factories, so we have moved workers from factory to factory to optimize our workforce and have informed our customers of the situation. We encourage those workers who are still uninfected to do their best to stay healthy. We have scheduled overtime hours and adjusted our production plans to compensate for understaffing. We have worked with each customer to adjust their delivery schedule," said Long. 

Labor shortages due to COVID-19 have been reported nationwide. Nguyen Thi Thanh, Chairman of the Labor Federation of Hanoi’s construction sector, said that despite the labor shortage, businesses are supporting infected workers trying to recover.

Ms. Thanh said: "More than half of the workers are at home due to COVID-19, forcing the rest to work overtime. Infected workers are now being asked to return to work after 5 to 7 days. Otherwise, their colleagues could not shoulder all the work. "

Workers moved between factories and urged to work overtime are being paid 1.5-2 times their normal salary. Companies have had to relax their delivery schedule.
