Building laws based on 2013 Constitution

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(VOVworld) – Law building is a key content on the agenda the on-going 9th session of the 13th National Assembly in Hanoi. VOV’s reporter Ngoc Anh looks at legislation which is closely attached to the 2013 Constitution.
(VOVworld) – Law building is a key content on the agenda the on-going 9th session of the 13th National Assembly in Hanoi. VOV’s reporter Ngoc Anh looks at legislation which is closely attached to the 2013 Constitution.

Building laws based on 2013 Constitution  - ảnh 1

During this session National Assembly deputies are considering 11 bills and 1 resolution for approval and debate 15 other bills.

Laws specify the 2013 Constitution

The bills to be discussed and adopted at this session have reflected the spirit of the 2013 Constitution. The revised Laws on the Organization of the Government, the Local administration, and the Election of National Assembly and People’s Council deputies have specified constitutional regulations of a national governance model in which state agencies monitor and support each other.

The revised Civil Code, Criminal Code, Civil Procedure Code, and Criminal Procedure Code have institutionalized the Constitution’s regulation of protecting human rights. The Law on Referendum, to be debated for the first time, aims to promote civil rights. Deputy National Assembly Chairman Uong Chu Luu: “Voters are interested in the Laws on the Organization of Government, the Local Administration, the Election of Deputies to the National Assembly, and People’s Councils. These laws are aimed at improving the state governed by law and promoting people’s mastership. The Civil Code, the Civil Procedure Code, the Administrative Procedure Code, and the Criminal Procedure Code are related to judicial affairs and civil rights.”

Building laws to fine tune the legal system

In order to have a complete, unified, and transparent legal system, it’s necessary to have a strict and responsible law-building process. It’s the basis to develop a sustainable law-governed state of the people, by the people, and for the people. Nguyen Si Dung, Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s Office, elaborated: “The NA’s Standing Committee has to review all bills before submitting them to the National Assembly. Many bills were examined twice before being discussed at the National Assembly’s 9th session. Functional agencies of the NA carefully verified bills of their fields. Seminars and consultancy meetings to collect expert opinions were held. The process has ensured good preparation of the bills.”

Serving national socio-economic development

Laws being discussed at the NA’s 9th session are important to national socio-economic development from 2015 to 2020. Deputy National Assembly Chairman Uong Chu Luu said: “The National Assembly reviews outdated regulations to match reality. Laws to be adopted are important to people’s life, society, and the economy.”

The National Assembly will also debate and adopt the Law on Natural Resources, the Maritime Environment and Islands, the State Budget, State Audits, and the Law on the Issuance of Legal Documents.
