Q&A session: Deputies fulfill responsibility to voters

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The question and answer session at the ongoing National Assembly (NA) meeting will span 2.5 days, starting Tuesday. Issues to be covered include natural resources and the environment; industry and trade; auditing; and culture, sports, and tourism. This regular parliamentary activity reflects the responsibility of NA deputies to their voters.

Q&A session: Deputies fulfill responsibility to voters - ảnh 1(Photo: quochoi.com)

The NA’s Q&A sessions always attract significant attention from the public. Live broadcast coverage ensures transparency and widespread understanding. Recent questions have addressed social issues and positively affected the performance of state agencies.

Prompt questions

Preparation for the Q&A has been meticulous. The National Assembly Standing Committee selected key issues for questions in advance, allowing ministers and industry leaders sufficient time to prepare detailed reports. It also ensures that lawmakers can get answers to focused questions that reflect voters' concerns.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, a deputy from Binh Duong province, said: "I highly appreciate that, after each session, the National Assembly Standing Committee follows up unresolved issues. This has led to significant changes that have enhanced the effectiveness of National Assembly activities and helped to fulfill the voters’ expectations."


The four groups of issues selected for the upcoming Q&A session are critical for Vietnam’s immediate and long-term economic and social development and directly impact citizens' lives.

Tran Thi Nhi Ha, a NA deputy for Hanoi and Deputy Head of the National Assembly's People's Petition Committee, said recent sessions have fulfilled voters’ expectations by scrutinizing the implementation of government commitments. This approach is expected to lead to new solutions and developments serving public interests across multiple sectors.

Luu Ba Mac, a NA deputy for Lang Son province, said: "The Government needs to adopt mechanisms, policies and solutions to help artists and actors who are not yet eligible for retirement. We need incentives to attract and reward talent in those fields to improve the quality of artistic programs and meet growing cultural demands."

Associate Professor Dr. Bui Hoai Son, a member of the National Assembly's Culture and Education Committee, said: "There are both opportunities and challenges in developing Vietnamese culture. We need to overcome the challenges, seize opportunities, and remove obstacles to make culture a true spiritual foundation and driving force for socio-economic development, aiming to foster a prosperous and happy nation."

Q&A sessions are a vital tool for oversight, demonstrating the National Assembly's accountability to voters and clarifying the responsibilities of functional agencies.
