Sre Dang hamlet in N'Thol Ha commune is recognized as a role model residential area. (Photo: VOV)
Since N'Thol Ha commune was recognized as a new-style rural village in 2016, its hamlets have steadily improved. Sre Dang hamlet, home to a large number of K'ho people, is considered a role model as a residential area that has comprehensively changed its material and spiritual life.
A K’ho man named Lieng Hot Ha Thao said that changing from traditional to high-tech farming methods has increased farmers’ incomes.
He told VOV that more spacious houses have been built, village roads are now clean and beautiful, backward customs have been abolished, and residents have built a new-style rural area that is more like civilized urban areas.
“Party and State policies have been disseminated to the people through poverty reduction, new-style rural building, and role model residential programs,” said Lieng Hot Ha Thao, adding, “Villagers have participated enthusiastically in the movements launched by the local administration, and the hamlet has changed. The roads are cleaner and more beautiful. Local people have used new technology to boost agricultural production and increase incomes. The standard of living has greatly improved.”
Today the rate of poor households in Sre Dang hamlet is just 1%, high-tech production methods are being used in two-thirds of its farming area, and every child of school age is attending school.
According to K'Hai, Sre Dang hamlet’s patriarch, the improved living conditions made it easier to mobilize people to implement Party and State guidelines and policies. Everyone has become more aware and feel more responsible for the community. Consequently, building a residential role model went smoothly in accordance with the local plan.
“As the village patriarch and an elder in the hamlet, I feel I must do my best to get all the villagers to increase their production, not only to ensure their household economy but also to pay for their children’s education,” said K'Hai.
He noted, “To persuade the villagers, your own family must set an example and take the lead in new-style rural building. Now many of our children have attended university. Almost every household has a better life and can buy modern production machinery and equipment. This has made building a new-style rural area and residential role model much easier."
Le Ba Duong, Vice Chairman of the communal People's Committee, said Duc Trong district is trying to replicate Sre Dang hamlet’s residential model in the other 5 hamlets.
Duong said he believes N'Thol Ha commune will surely become an enhanced-criteria rural commune by next year, given the people’s enthusiasm for the campaigns "Farmers compete in production and trading", "United to help each other get rich and reduce poverty sustainably", "Youth join efforts in new-style rural building", and especially the "All people build a new rural area, a civilized urban area" campaign.
“New-style rural area building has changed local economic conditions. The N'thol Ha administration will continue turning hamlets into role model villages towards fulfilling the enhanced criteria for rural communes," said Duong.