World Autism Awareness Day marked in Vietnam

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Hundreds of children with autism in Hanoi and nearby provinces and cities participated in a festival in Hanoi Children Palace on Sunday to mark World Autism Awareness Day 2017.

(VOVworld) – Hundreds of children with autism in Hanoi and nearby provinces and cities participated in a festival in Hanoi Children Palace on Sunday to mark World Autism Awareness Day 2017.

World Autism Awareness Day marked in Vietnam - ảnh 1
On the World Autism Awareness Day, big buildings in more than 130 countries have lid it up blue, the symbol of hope.

The festival aimed to provide more information about the disease and treatment methods, as well as call on society to care for children with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day marked in Vietnam - ảnh 2
Children with autism to the festival are guided to take part in sports and art activities and provided with medical checkup. (Photo:

Earlier the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and Vietnam Network of People with Autism held a workshop featuring the situation of and solutions to autism in Vietnam.

Experts urged for more career guidance for these children and to encourage businesses to use the products made by children with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day marked in Vietnam - ảnh 3
Various activities have been held across Vietnam in response to  World Autism Awareness Day this year.

Dang Huynh Mai, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Federation on Disability, said: “We propose the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs add this type of disability to the legal framework so that children with autism can benefit the rights to access medical services and employment.”
