“Hoa Lu thi tap” Epic Poem collection recognized the world's only version

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(VOVworld) – The World Records Union granted a certificate for the only version in the world for Hoa Lu Epic, a collection of 121 poems written by Prof. PhD Hoang Quang Thuan, President of the Institute of Telecommunication Technology under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
(VOVworld) – The World Records Union granted a certificate for the only version in the world for Hoa Lu Epic, a collection of 121 poems written by Prof. PhD Hoang Quang Thuan, President of the Institute of Telecommunication Technology under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. 

“Hoa Lu thi tap” Epic Poem collection recognized the world's only version  - ảnh 1
WorldKings Vice President Thomas Richard William Bain grants the certificates to Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Ngo Van Quy

The epic poems tell the story of the historic period of the Dinh, Le, and Ly dynasties from the 10th century to 1010 when King Ly Cong Uan moved the royal capital from Hoa Lu to Thang Long, now Hanoi. The book’s wood covers are engraved with images of dragons. 121 poems are handwritten in the calligraphy style on imitation leather and illustrated with 121 paintings.

Author Thuan said: “The epic tells of our ancestors’ 1000 years of national construction and defense from the Dinh to the Ly dynasty. It inspires national pride and patriotism. It reminds Vietnamese people of our ancestors’ triumphant history and our responsibility to protect our tradition.”

The epic has been translated into English and French. The Thang Long – Hanoi Heritage Preservation Center will hold exhibitions to introduce the epic to the public.
