VOV affirms prestige in Vietnamese revolutionary journalism development

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - For nearly 80 years, the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) has delivered information via various platforms including radio, TV, online and print, maintaining its position as the primary press agency of the Party and State. A number of VOV reporters and products have won prizes at major media award competitions.

VOV affirms prestige in Vietnamese revolutionary journalism development - ảnh 1VOV President Do Tien Sy (C) presents gifts to VOV reporters who won prizes at the 2021 ABU Awards.

Between 2015 and 2020, VOV won 116 media awards, including 22 National Press Awards, 30 National External Information Service Awards, 15 Golden Hammer and Sickle Awards, and 7 awards for anti-corruption reports.

A VOV piece entitled "Overcoming the fire", which told the story of Vietnamese people fleeing the war zone in Ukraine, was a winner at last year’s National Press Awards. Journalist Vu Hai Dang, VOV’s correspondent in the Czech Republic, was a co-author of that piece.

"We tried our utmost to record authentic sounds of the evacuation. When I visited a reception center for refugees from Ukraine in Romania, I saw many Vietnamese people who were panicked and anxious. It made me want to help them as much as I could," said Dang.
He said there were times when he worked for 48 hours non-stop, relaying information and assisting in transporting Vietnamese people to gathering places.
"We talked to them to understand their difficult journey of fleeing the war zone, as well as their obsession with bombs."
Dang recalled his visit to an old factory where more than 100 Vietnamese people were residing when he was asked by a mother of a child about a flight back to Vietnam. The desperate longing of those people to return to Vietnam encouraged his team to complete their mission, he said.
In the past two years, VOV has won multiple prizes at the ABU Awards, the most prestigious awards in the Asia-Pacific region, honoring the best work in radio, television, and new media. Tran Huu Hung of VOV1 was the co-author of the winning piece, "Bon Phuc", in the News Reporting category.
He said that works created by Vietnamese reporters, particularly VOV reporters, often win acclaim from the ABU judges for their approach and production.
"The entries have given the organizers a broad view of Vietnamese society, innovation, and development. We hope the award-winning works will inspire more reporters to participate in these awards," Hung said.
VOV affirms prestige in Vietnamese revolutionary journalism development - ảnh 2 VOV Vice President Pham Manh Hung

Through its award-winning works, VOV has continued to contribute to informing public opinion, strengthening people's confidence in the leadership of the Party and State, and fighting the negativity and distortions of hostile forces.

Journalist Pham Manh Hung, VOV Vice President and Chairman of the VOV Journalists Association, said VOV has actively participated in press awards to help build a multimedia press agency. In addition to radio, pieces for television and online and printed newspapers have also won top prizes.

Hung said that these awards further affirm VOV’s prestige to the domestic and international public. These remind VOV journalists and reporters of their responsibility in delivering information accurately and quickly for the development of the country, he added. 

