Vietnamese citizen Le Thai Trong’s addresses are:
1. No. 2 Park Ave Windsor CT 06095, USA
2. No. 244 Payne Rd Scarborough, ME 04074 USA.
His phone number is: 1(860)9970709
In the Decree of Divorce No. 53/2022/HNGĐ-ST dated July 25, 2022, the court’s judgments were stated as followed:
Pursuant to Clause 1 of Article 28; Article 37; Article 228; Article 238; Article 271; Clause 2 of Article 479 of the Civil Procedure Code; Clause 1 of Article 51, Clause 1 of Article 56, Clause 2 of Article 123, Clause 1 of Article 127 of the Law on Marriage and Family 2014; Clause 5 of Article 27 of Resolution 326/2016/UBTVQH14 dated December 30, 2016.
1. Marital relationship: It is ordered and decreed by the Court that Mr. Le Thai Trong and Mrs. Huynh Thi Huyen are divorced and that the marriage between them is dissolved.
2. Shared assets and debts: There was no request for settlement. If disputes arise relating to these matters, the parties involved are entitled to file another lawsuit as stipulated by law.
3. Court fee: Mrs. Huynh Thi Huyen has to pay 300,000 VND, which was already taken from a deposit court fee as described in Receipt No. 001985 dated July 01, 2020 by the Can Tho Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement. Mrs. Huynh Thi Huyen has already paid the amount.
Mrs. Huynh Thi Huyen has the right to file an appeal against the Court’s ruling within 15 days after the decree is announced. The duration for Mr. Le Thai Trong to file an appeal against the Court’s ruling is 30 days after the decree is announced.