Mr. Le Michael Spike Thanh Nam was born on June 05, 1975. His latest address is 1168 Francois, Prince George, BC, Canada. His ID number is QF351816 issued on October 04, 2011 in Canada.
Mr. Le Michael Spike Thanh Nam is requested to contact the Can Tho municipal People’s Court to solve the case.
The Can Tho municipal People’s Court’s address is 17A Nguyen Van Cu street, An Binh ward, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Vietnam.
1. Mrs. Le Thi Thuy An wants to continue fosterONG their son Le Long Thanh, born on October 29, 2012, and daughter Le Nhu Quynh, born on November 14, 2015.
2. Shared assets: There was no request for settlement.
If there is no response from Mr. Le Michael Spike Thanh Nam after one month, the Court will carry out necessary procedures as stipulated by Vietnamese law.
Note: All related documents must be consular legalized.