Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet

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(VOVworld) - Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi reshuffled his cabinet Tuesday, naming new foreign and interior ministers following signs of discord within the government of the war-torn country.

(VOVworld) - Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi reshuffled his cabinet Tuesday, naming new foreign and interior ministers following signs of discord within the government of the war-torn country.

Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet - ảnh 1

Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi gestures during a meeting with the heads of civil society and representatives of political parties in the southern city of Aden, on November 23, 2015 (Photo: AFP)

Abdulmalek al-Mikhlafi, who leads a team of government peace negotiators, was sworn-in as foreign minister, replacing Riad Yassin. The replacement of Yassin, who is said to have good relations with Hadi but not with Prime Minister Khaled Bahah, is understood to be aimed at smoothing relations between the president and the Prime Minister. Among other changes, General Hussein Arab was appointed interior minister, replacing General Abdo al-Huzeifi who will lead Yemen’s intelligence services.

But a government official said Prime Minister Bahah is expected to deliver a statement rejecting President Hadi’s reshuffle and calling it illegal. The source said President Hadi made the decision without consulting Prime Minister Bahad, who is also Yemen’s Vice President. 
