Website on CPTPP upgraded

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Industry and Trade has upgraded the website on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to help people and businesses gain an insight into the major deal to which Vietnam is a signatory.
Website on CPTPP upgraded - ảnh 1

The website on the CPTPP has been upgraded to boost people and businesses' access to relevant information.

(Photo: screenshot of the website)

The website,, provides an overview of the CPTPP, the full text of the agreement in both English and Vietnamese, the implementation plan of the Government, ministries, sectors and localities, along with legal documents revised or issued to carry out the agreement.

It explains Vietnam’s main commitments regarding goods, investment in services, Government procurement, intellectual property, labor, and State-owned enterprises.

Other CPTPP member commitments relating to strong Vietnamese commodities  are also listed on this website.

Additionally, the website also posts reference documents, including studies on the CPTPP conducted by various countries and international organizations, along with some frequently asked questions.
