Washington, Seoul’s reaction to Pyongyang’s missile test

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(VOVworld) – Seoul has called Pyongyang’s missile test on Thursday a calculated and provocative act. Speaking to the press on Friday, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Korea said that the tested missiles were Scud-type based on their range and trajectory.
(VOVworld) – Seoul has called Pyongyang’s missile test on Thursday a calculated and provocative act. Speaking to the press on Friday, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Korea said that the tested missiles were Scud-type based on their range and trajectory. He added the test, which took place after the program of reunions of separated families of the two Koreas, coincide with joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington.

Washington, Seoul’s reaction to Pyongyang’s missile test - ảnh 1
The missile test coincides with Washington-Seoul's joint military exercises Photo: AFP

Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steven Warren acknowledged that Pyongyang had fired several short-range Scud missiles but that they were not aimed at any targets. He also added that it’s possible for Pyongyang to test such missiles and that the US Department of Defence would not necessarily see this as a provocative act. The US Department of State the same day urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to restrain themselves and improve ties with neighbouring countries.
