Viettel launches nationwide coverage for 4G services

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The military-run Viettel Group on Tuesday launched its 4G telecommunication network nationwide.

(VOVworld) – The military-run Viettel Group on Tuesday launched its 4G telecommunication network nationwide.

Viettel launches nationwide coverage for 4G services - ảnh 1
People in the Central Highlands City of Ban Ma Thuot test the 4G services

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam sent a congratulatory message to the group’s staff for their efforts to develop the network and deploy it in the short time since it was licensed.

Mr. Dam said despite recent breakthroughs, the quality of Vietnam’s IT and telecommunications remains low, requiring domestic businesses including the Viettel group to do their best and make full use of the opportunities brought by the fourth technological revolution.

He asked the group to pay particular attention to the quality of the 4G services which are first deployed on a large scale in Vietnam to ensure users’ interests.
