Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM

Vu Khuyen
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -The team of Vietnamese scientists is growing stronger with many of them having regional and global influence and Vietnam's international ranking in science, technology and innovation continuously improving, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM - ảnh 1Before the event begins, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visits the exhibition on 65 years of innovation; books on science, technology and innovation; 10 years of Ta Quang Buu Award; and science, technology and innovation achievements. Photo: VOV

In 2023, Vietnam’s Global Innovation Index (GII) ranked 46th among 132 economies, climbing two notches, and second in the group of 36 low-middle income economies.

Prime Minister Chinh on Wednesday addressed a ceremony to mark the Vietnamese Science and Technology Day (May 18) and the 65th founding anniversary of the Ministry of Science and Technology and present Ta Quang Buu Award.

He recalled President Ho Chi Minh's advice 61 years ago at the first National Congress of Vietnam Science and Technology Popularization Association, which determined that science must come from production and must serve production and the masses, to improve labor productivity and improve people's lives.

The Prime Minister affirmed this advice has been a guideline for Vietnam's science and technology activities and that the contribution of science and technology and innovation to improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness is increasingly evident.

Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addressing the ceremony. Photo: VOV

PM Chinh requested greater efforts to increase attraction of and diversify resources for science, technology and innovation, strongly develop science and technology human resources, encourage the private sector, businesses, and public-private cooperation to participate in human resource training.

He stressed the need to focus on the science and technology market to creating breakthroughs in productivity, quality, and efficiency, and increasing the competitiveness of the economy. The Prime Minister suggested that scientists put national interests first.

Vietnamese scientists growing stronger, says PM - ảnh 3The Ministry of Science and Technology organizes the Ta Quang Buu Award ceremony for two scientists. Photo: VOV

He presented the Ta Quang Buu Award to two scientists: Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh from the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences and Technology of Vietnam and Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Manh Tri, from the University of Natural Sciences, Hanoi National University.
