Vietnamese National Day celebrations held across the globe

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Interim Egyptian president Adli Mansour on Monday congratulated President Truong Tan Sang on Vietnamese National Day, September 2.

(VOVworld) – Interim Egyptian president Adli Mansour on Monday congratulated President Truong Tan Sang on Vietnamese National Day, September 2. In his message to the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt, the President stressed that Egypt always wanted to develop the traditional friendship and all-round cooperation with Vietnam. On the occasion of Vietnam’s 68th National Day and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Egypt and Vietnam, the Egyptian press widely covered Vietnam’s achievements in all fields and the results of cooperation between the two countries over half a century. Egypt Television broadcast an interview with Vietnamese ambassador to Egypt Dao Thanh Chung, who highlighted the achievements in bilateral ties over the last 50 years on the basis solidarity, friendship, mutual respect and understanding.“Though Egypt has faced a lot of difficulties, two-way trade has increased year after year since 2011 showing that the bilateral economic relation has not been affected by instability in Egypt. Vietnamese products have been exported to Egypt. In the future, the cooperation between Vietnam and Egypt will further develop. Boosting economic cooperation will make the bilateral ties deeper and more effective”.

At a ceremony in Paris, Vietnamese ambassador Duong Chi Dung highlighted the significance of Vietnam’s 1945 Declaration of Independence, defining a new independent and sovereign state on the world map. He said both Vietnam and France are celebrating 40 years of diplomatic ties with diverse activities being held in both countries during the 2013-2014 exchange year. In his address, Senator Marie Christine Blandin, President of the Culture, Education and Communications Committee, a member of the friendship group at the French Senate, said:“I’m very moved to attend the ceremony to celebrate President Ho Chi Minh’s Declaration of Independence for Vietnam. Our northern region has set up close relationship with Hue and Da Nang since 1913 and this relationship has developed steadily. We often go to Vietnam to boost cooperation and visit your country. This ceremony is of great significance because we are waiting for Vietnamese Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to France to upgrade the bilateral ties”.

Vietnamese National Day celebrations held across the globe - ảnh 1
Vietnamese ambassador Duong Chi Dung at a ceremony to mark Vietnamese National Day in Paris

Similar celebrations were also held in Laos, Cambodia, Australia, and Algeria.

The Vietnamese embassy in Turkey held a ceremony to mark Vietnam’s 68th National Day and 35 years of Vietnamese-Turkish diplomatic ties on Tuesday. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc and a number of other high-ranking government and parliamentary leaders attended the event. Ambassador Nguyen The Cuong reviewed Vietnam’s history and its achievements in the industrialization and modernization process. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc hailed Vietnam’s achievements and its role in the regional and international arena and expressed his hope that relations between the two countries will continue to develop to a new level.  
